• Spatial Semantics First Results

    After a “longer” hiatus without any updates I finally have more than just some more code to show. As I described in my osm wiki parser post I can generate text for a given polygon from osm by querying the linked Wikipedia pages underlying OSM features. I created a raster for Vienna/Austria with a cell size of 0.005x0.005 degrees...

  • OSM Wiki Parser

    Part of the spatial semantic project is to get as much text as possible about a given area. For this I want to parse OpenStreetMap for features. Features in OSM are described with tags that hold the information of what a given feature is. Each feature can have an unlimited number of tags. I want to use these tags...

  • OSM Parser

    I had some time to work on my spatial semantics project one key block of it is parsing lots of OSM data. OSM when it came to geometries always was a bit tricky because it has something called relations which is basically a bunch of lines, nodes and other relations put together into a geometry collection. I was always...

  • Hello World

    Hey there, this is my first post to my new site. I had some time during Christmas and researched minimalist bloggin and Hosting methods and I found jekyll hosted on github fits my needs. So here is the site!